Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Character Communicates Potential and Respect


In leadership we like to think that someone who has potential to reach goals and dreams and have great positive impact on other would be some one who is hardworking, disciplined and honest.  Someone who is deceitful, impulsive and lazy show's little or no potential to reach goals and dreams.  Understanding the power of potential is a key element to being a great leader.   Having potential is beginning of every great leaders journey into becoming potentially great.  Working towards in the journey of reaching a goal is every great leaders training camp to accomplishing great things in life.  When leaders stop working and start settling the potential to become anything in life decreases.

I've recently made it one of my goals to loose 45 pounds.  What makes me someone with the potential to loose weight is the ability to go to the gym 3 times a week. Discipline and a strong mindset on what I would like to look like once I loose my 45 pounds keeps me focused on my wight loss goal.  My character communicates potential because I demonstrate the capability of reaching my goal.  In order to prove a good character of potential a certain amount has to be proven.  When leaders have strong character people trust the him or her will reach their goals.


How do leaders earn respect? By making sound decisions, by admitting their mistakes and by putting what's best for their followers and the organization ahead of their personal agendas. By John C. Maxwell. 

I've personally been around many leaders and I must say this is one of the most common problem that I see amongst them.  People only respect certain leaders because the leader is a friend or family.  Great leaders have followers because they believe and respect in what the leaders is and does for the business. When great leaders make sound decisions and admit to mistakes they will always have peoples respect.  The best leaders I've ever known are the one who give their lives for the people they lead and serve.  It's difficult to respect a leader who don't doesn't try to level with the business or organization.

I had a pastor not to long ago that sent out a text message from his secretary stating not to talk to the pastor after church and if anyone wanted to talk to him to please schedule an appointment first.  I was in total shock because this pastor is a new pastor and has less than 200 members at this church.  He also created a video presentation for guess who arrived at the church as first time guest.  Instead of greeting his new members he provided a welcoming video for them.  Now this was really shocking to me because the senior pastor of his church walk out to the main lobby of the church after every service to great over 5,000 members as they exit the church after the service.  The senior pastor also personally greets his new members in a reception room where he give them a small gift as a reminder of their experience at the church.

Two different pastors with two different churches under the same administration department. The question is who do you think has more credibility and respect from their church members the senior pastor or the new pastor starting his church.  It's very important to understand that people are always watching and they know when you as a leader care for them and will do what it takes to share a one on one moment even if it means a simple handshake.  A simple hi or bye can go a long way when retaining 5,000 members at a church. That's called a leader with the character that communicates respect.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Sacrifice and Timing

I personally love talking about sacrifice because I believe we've all had to sacrifice something in life.  The beauty about sacrifice is learning about the sacrifice it self and the process of it in order to reach the goal.  John Maxwell says,"Sacrifice usually means being willing to trade something of value that you possess to gain something more valuable. 

About 3 in a half years ago I worked at a police station in Southern California as a records administration with processing criminal files to the district attorneys office.  I was working for a temp agency making a an annual salary of $17,280 per year.  I really enjoyed my job and all the great new skills I was learning at the time.  I was notified about a permanent position paying an annual salary of $28,800 a year doing the exact thing I was doing already at the police station.  So I applied and went for my interview.  To my surprise I landed in 2nd place candidate out of 20 other applicants who applied for the position as well.  It was a great feeling until I received a call from one of the lieutenants at the station to go meet her at her office.  I went to the office and I was told that I was disqualified from the position because I didn't have a high school diploma or GED.  That moment is called "The wrong Action at the Right Time".   Timing was perfect but my actions where not good due to my pass of not finishing high school. 

It's hard to describe the feeling that moment because it's like having something so close to you taken away because of a wrong mistake.  I was about 19 years old and making that kind of money at that age was not bad at all in those years.  But I learned and decided to go to school because I was told that the opening will come again soon.  So I went back to school and got my GED.  That was a great moment in life but I had bigger plans.  Nine months later the same position opens up and yes I did apply once again.  I was confident and ready once again to nail the interview once and for all.

 So I went into my interview with the gut feeling that this time around was going to be different.  Things didn't feel rite around me but I still went for it and did my best.  So I walk into the room and my manager is sitting rite in front of me and she begins the interview.  She starts asking questions a little aggressive and pushes for unusual questions that I didn't think where appropriate for the type of job or even for an interview. But I went along with it and did my best.  I must admit walking out of that room was one of the best feelings I have ever had.

So I wait a few weeks to receive an answer that I was not waiting for.  I did not land the position because my scores where to low according to my interviewers.  That was also a difficult moment because I had just gotten into a relationship with my girlfriend who is my current wife today.  I was devastated and I honestly cried and I had so much anger and frustration.  After a few days of just thinking about what would be next for my career I decided to follow my heart and my dreams.  I decided to give my two week notice.  Now most people would ask them selves how do you go from scoring a 2nd place position to not even passing the interview process?  Well, when things in life are not meant to be the are just not meant to be especially if you put them in Gods hands.  So rite after work I decide to speak to my manager the one who originally interview me and give her my two week notice.  She then ask me why and I responded that I no longer have a feature with this company and I've decided to follow my dreams and go to the best school in the world that can teach me what I love to do.  I must admit that moment was a great feeling!  So I did just that I got a different job, got married and moved out of California with my wife to follow my dreams.

I believe in the rite timing because understanding that when all odds are against you, we must learn have to follow our hearts and our dreams.  Today is December 21st 2010 three in a half years later I am two months away from receiving my Bachelor Degree from one of the most prestigious universities of technology.  I will soon receive a degree in something I love to do an want to do for the rest of my life. Today I understand why I didn't get that job.  A great man once said "what you don't understand today, you will understand tomorrow".  He was rite I didn't understand and I cried and suffered along the way.  But I never took my eyes off my dream and my true passion.  But the most and greatest gift I've received in the past three years of my life is my beautiful daughter Aryanna who is now 2 years old and that alone is worth any sacrifice I make in my life.

Life is full of sacrifices and risk and most importantly a journey that is not going to be easy but every step of the way just add more and more value to that sacrifice and that soon to be my reward.  It's about learning from the journey and perfecting our faith and believing that at the other side of the mountain is our promise land. Giving up should never be an option but a simple obstacle we can overcome. 

Today I feel like a great leader because I made the rite choice at the rite time and that's what great leaders are about.  John Maxwell states "when the right leader and the right timing come together, incredible things happen".  It's about embracing sacrifice and learning when to make the rite decisions is when we see great results.  My wife left her career in Southern California not ever knowing if she will ever make the same type of salary in our new city.  Well to our surprise she tripled her salary in less than 3 years at our current location.  A place wear people said and still say that theirs no money to be made but my wife and I have always believed that as long as we have faith in what we can't see it then will happen.

Our biggest sacrifice was family and not having them around during special holidays like thanksgiving and having regular meal at Denny's Restaurant.  Spending Christmas in a 600 square foot apartment just my wife and I alone in a city where we knew no one.  Sacrifice can be painful but something I am certain it will bring the best out of us at times and teach us long life lessons that we will need for ever. Learning how to appreciate family and the luxuries of life when we do have them around is the value found in sacrifice. 


Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Power of Humbleness

The other day I talking with my brother in-law and we where talking about two particular men that we follow as leader.  We discussed how both had great leadership skills and had powerful leadership influences over us but one thing made them totally different.  We understood that night the power of humbleness in how it can totally change listeners or followers view of a leader if they carried overwhelming pride and very little humbleness.

Humbleness is one of the most complex personal characters to obtain.  Some people the more they try to be humble the worse their character begins because humbleness is not something you can try to be it has to become who you are as a person.  Some people think that humbleness has to do with what you where or how you talk to people or the very essence of what you have.  The truth is that these things have very little or nothing to do with humbleness. 

The best way to become humble is surrounding your self with humble successful people who are leaders and do very little to pride them selves on it.  Something I like to call "natural leader".  Passion for people is another way of showing your humbleness because people want to feel that you cafe for them and love them before you even have to tell them.  A great leaders said once "if you can move people with their hearts, than you can move them with their feet".  (John Maxwell)

My teachers always told me "if your in the industry of music for money then your in the wrong industry".  I understood that many artist and musicians are great because they have a passion for their own gift and talent and eventually that shows in their music.  People follow leaders who have passion because passion leads to humbleness only if you want it. 

Leaders must also understand the power of pride because a great way of becoming humble is monitoring your pride and trading it for humbleness little by little.  In my life I've been more influenced through humble leaders than the prideful once.  For some reason leaders with pride are only able to lead others temporarily because pride is mans worse enemy.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Power of Influence VS The Power of Leadership

Since I was a young man I've always carried myself like a leader.  I know a lot of it had to do with always being around older people that had the power of influence.  But most importantly I grew to be a great leader because I was always surrounded by leaders in my family, church and friends.  A lot of my leadership skills comes from seeing my father preach once a week at a bible study.  I was able to learn how to public speak as a young child because my father helped me develop that skill at a young age.  At a young age I had the talent of singing "rapping" and he helped me develop that skill for a positive cause by rapping to positive songs that had a positive message for adults and young once as well.  Music was my way of preaching and speaking to many about a Jesus message and how to live a positive life according to him.  By developing this skill and learning how to over come my fears on stage, helped me gain self confidence and understand the influence I had on others growing up.  I learned how to be the head and not the tail in most groups that I surrounded myself as a young boy. 

Understanding how to be a leader is not something you will learn the first time you hear it.  In order to be a leader you must practice your leadership ship skills.  Surrounding your self by people you have the power of influence is a great way how to learn to be a leader.  Now, in life you will meet many type of people with influence but you choice weather you want to be influenced positively or negatively.  You can't choice weather the person you are following is ether going to be positive or negative but you do have the power to choice who is going to influence you and weather that person is a positive or negative. 

I understood that I had the power of influence at a young age.  At the age of 15 my local pastor made me a youth leader of about 20 young men and women who had no leadership at our church.  Part of the reason he made me a youth leader was because I never failed to miss any of the leadership classes he gave to his leaders at church.  Part of the reason I never missed any of his leadership classes was because my father went and I was always interested in what was going to happen before it happened at our church.  It was like knowing the behind the scene schedule before it actually happen.

After working very hard as a youth leader for 3 long years and had developed different leadership skills that today I still use, the church ended up with more than 80 young men and women who had became youth members through out the years.  Being so young I struggled with the power of influence that I had and I decided to use it to my personal benefit.  Have you ever heard the saying "great power comes with great responsibility"?  Well, I wish I had known that at an early age and maybe I wouldn't had made so many mistakes through my leadership development years.  I fell in love with the pastors niece which didn't end to well after my 3 years of ministry of a youth leader.
Understanding the difference between influence and leadership

Today I understand that what I had at the age of 15 was not leadership skill but only and simply influence.  I had the power of influence  and very little leadership skills.  I had the power to influence others to do positive things but I didn't live the life of a leader.  You must learn how to lead yourself before you lead others.  Anyone can influence anybody with the rite skills but not anyone can lead others because the proof of leadership is found in the followers.  Today I understand that a leader has to learn how to be lead before knowing how to lead others.  The most imporatnt thing was that I didn't feel like a true leader because I didn't see myself as a leader in my own personal life. 

I dropped out of high school at a young age and decided to work during my high school years.  I fell in love at the age of 16 and I though that I was a man and didn't want to take my fathers advice at the age of 16.  The power of influence got to my head and I didn't know what it really was to be a leader. 

Every great leader has Character, Relationships, Knowledge, Intuition, Experience, Past Success and Ability.  I had the idea but not enough practice, experience, knowledge and most importantly someone to teach me or lead me to become a great leader.  I learned by imitating others and duplicating others ideas of what it is to be a leader.  Little did I know that I was wrong. 

I am 23 years old and I've been married for 3 years now and I have a beautiful 2 year old daughter and I am 2 months away from graduating from one of the best entertainment school in the world called Full Sail University.  I have an Associate Degree in Recording Arts and working on finishing my Bachelor Degree in Entertainment business.  Today December 3, 2010,  I can say that I have a good idea and understanding what it is to be a great leader.  I've developed and committed to be a great leader in my family and around those who surround me before I take a stand on a stage.  I've committed to learn and develop all my leadership skills by putting aside all the concepts that I had in my mind of what it was to be a leader and decided to educate myself professionally so that next time I stand in front of a group of people I not only influence them to do what I say but most importantly leading by example.  I've promised myself after leaving my ministry of leadership a 5 years ago that I will learn how to practice what I preach. 

Today's greatest leaders are not the once who stand on stage and preach a great message.  Today's greatest leaders are those who live a life of leadership by demonstrating how to live a life by example.  How to lead others before opening their mouths.  A leader speaks without words and leads with action.  I've understood the power of influence but most importantly I follow great leaders who can teach me how to be a great leader at home before I lead others outside of it. 

"When people respect you as a person, they admire you.  When they respect you as a friend, they love you.  When they respect you as a leader, they follow you".  By John C. Maxwell